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FlowNote lets developers create, organize, and reason about event-oriented applications with a simple flow-based language.

The Channel Concept


Channels are how Events are passed between Nodes and Milestones. Channels can be made to accept specificly named Events so you can control how Requests move through a flow.

If a Node or Milestone throws an exception and the preceding Channel had retry options set, the failed Event will be retried from its initial state a number times and with delays based on those options. When the retry options are exhausted, an Error Event will be sent to all connected Error Channels.

Retry options


This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode

This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node with a custom reference. The referenced Node is then attached to the last Node.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode#customReference
customReference -> lastNode

This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node with a custom reference. The referenced Node is then attached to the last Node via an Error Channel (!) that listens for RangeErrors.

Channel names can only be letters or numbers.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode#customReference
customReference -RangeError! lastNode

This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node with a custom reference. The referenced Node is then attached to the last Node via an Named Channel that listens for Named events.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode#customReference
customReference -NamedChannel> lastNode

This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node with a custom reference. The referenced Node is then attached to the last Node with retry options.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode#customReference
customReference -{ retry: 3, retryDelay: 3000 }> lastNode

This defines a Flow as a Node connecting to another Node with a custom reference. The referenced Node is then attached to the last Node with retry options set by returned results of an Action.

flow example(GET /example) = someNode -> anotherNode#customReference
customReference -{ retry: someActionThatReturnsNumber, retryDelay: someActionThatReturnsMilliseconds }> lastNode



( Installation | Features | Use Cases | Language | Application | Flow | Nodes | Channels | Contribution Overview | Roadmap | Known Problems )